Artifact 3: Podcast

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This project started in class. We read various articles surrounding different Atlanta community development projects. One that stood out to me was the article criticizing the Atlanta Beltline Development through the lens of gentrification. That allowed me to see the negatives of a project that many ignore. That created our topic for the podcast. We were going to cover the gentrification of Atlanta communities affected by the Beltline project. After the initial brainstorming we decided we needed a framing to contextualize our podcast. And thus "The Gentrification Dudes" was born. We chose a framing that had us looking at gentrification throughout the country, while this specific episode was all about Atlanta. The writing process was different from my prior projects. Working with a group required me to branch out more. I needed to work to synthesize my own ideas with those of my teammates. I needed heavy revisions to fit the tone my co-hosts had imagined in their scripting. But overall the group dynamic allowed us to refine our ideas and create something greater than the sum of its parts. 

Artifact 3

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Goals: The goal of the project was to analyze how perceptions of the future affected community development. We needed to learn to connect the ideas of a people to the actions of an organization.

Purpose: My purpose in producing the podcast was to bring awareness to the negative attributes of community development. We did this by looking at gentrification in the community and how it affects the inhabitants of lower income areas. 

Audience: Our goal was to capture the morning talkshow audience. We wanted to contextualize our tone and concept through our choosing of an audience. One can see evidence of this choice through our tone. We try to be awake and engaging like all radio hosts are. We also try to engage the audience through music in the background.

Features: Podcasts mainly focus on audio. To use this limited medium effectively we needed to communicate with precision and purpose. In order to capture the attention of the listener, the audio needed to be clear, and the writing needed to be very concise. This is evident by the pace and diction we choose throughout the podcast. 

Process: I would spend more time on the interview portion in the future. While I think I used the audio we gathered creatively, I do not think it is of high enough quality to stand alongside our podcast. I would most likely try to record another interview with the Quest Community representative. 

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