Goals: The main idea of this artifact was to write about a fictional utopia that reflects our ideas about the world. We then had to design an entire world around the idea, elaborating on key parts of the world.
Purpose: My argument in the piece is expressed through every facet of life in my utopia. I argue that xenophobia is the single greatest threat to humanity. The genesis of my world solves the problem, and the description of my world details the ramifications of this decision.
Audience: I chose to pursue an audience who wanted to visit my made up land. This mirrors the audience in process document B. Someone who is not familiar with Ámiso needs to be informed about the culture and the world before they would visit our great nation-state.
Features: Writing has less facets than video production, but that does not mean that they are easy to use effectively. Writing allows the author to focus on diction, syntax and rhetoric. The medium places these criteria on the forefront. I chose to make each of these reflect my ideas surrounding the atmosphere of my world. I used techniques that I think real members of the fictional world would use to convince readers of my position.
Process: I would like to dive deeper into different aspects of my fictional world, given extra time. I think that I could've made the paper more in-depth and specific. I think it is lacking in detail at times.
Process Documents