The Open Multivariable Calculus Site

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This site is part of the Open Course Project (OCP), which aims to support student success in undergraduate mathematics courses. Through support from the Center for Promoting Inclusion and Equity in the Sciences, this project involves the development of open curriculum through public websites that Georgia Tech students can use as a refresher or as a supplement to their learning.

The OCP aims to benefit several student groups who need a refresher and/or additional practice, including undergraduate students enrolled in these courses, students in upper-level courses that use our courses as pre-requisites, and transfer students and other students who are re-entering college for an undergraduate or graduate program after an extended time away from college.

The OCP is developing Canvas sites for College Algebra, Precalculus, Multivariable Calculus and Introductory Statistical Methods. This particular site focuses on multivariable calculus.

At the moment this course is only open to the Georgia Tech community.

Students and faculty can access course materials by navigating to the Join button above and logging in using their GT credentials.